Remai Modern — Art Gallery in Saskatoon

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Remai Modern

Art Gallery at 102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0L3, Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 0L3 . Here you will find detailed information about Remai Modern: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday
    10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday
    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday
    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Based on 6 reviews


102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0L3, Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 0L3
S7K 0L3

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About Remai Modern

Remai Modern is a UK Art Gallery based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Remai Modern is located at 102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0L3, Canada,

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Reviews of Remai Modern

  • Everett
    Added 2016.09.25
    First of all finding the Remai was a nightmare among all of the construction currently happening in that area of the city. After finding it and parking in the underground parkade, which could also use more signage, we finally found our way inside. The attendants at the front desk were not busy as there was no one else there at the time but still could not provide clear information. They told us if we wanted to just visit the front floor it was free. I have no idea why they would think that expressing interest in the galleries we would want to visit whatever the exhibit on the first floor was supposed to be. The room was filled with people listening to a speaker when we peaked in so we decided just to go upstairs. The security was quite rude to my mom as she tried to head upstairs and instead of just asking for her ticket he blocked her way similar to what you would do with a child. Upstairs the galleries were unimpressive especially without any information on them. I believe again this could have been the fault of the admissions desk as they didn't tell us there was any information to do as self guided tour and there certainly was not much information in the galleries. Again the security was rude to my mom who has balance issues and simply pressed a finger against the wall, a blank wall not close to any art, he immediately scolded her that it was not allowed. I would like to see a schedule of when the films restart to actually catch the whole film but could not see that information anywhere either. If you are going to visit I would try to get I tour I guess. I am not sure if this gallery is meant to be directed only at older, wealthy crowds of patrons but it sure feels that way. Especially if you are with children or teens I would not waste the time or money to come. As another note my mother and I have both been involved with our local art communities and do enjoy galleries usually but modern art in the styles at the Remai need context, history, SOMETHING and we did not have enough information to find the value in the pieces.
  • Lucy
    Added 2016.08.31
    A great space in an ideal location. The museum exceeds expectations from the first steps through the main entrance. The interior is light, airy and inviting; a nice contrast to the darker and more industrial exterior. The gallery spaces are free of distractions and the art is displayed beautifully. The galleries also seem to be designed for versatility and I look forward to seeing how they adapt to new exhibitions in the years to come.
  • Elizabeth
    Added 2015.04.20
    Amazing architecture and design, and the galleries are full of life and curiosity. I'm so proud that our city finally has a place like this. I love their focus on quality programming and they provide a space for local events (like Sounds Like Audio Art Festival, and many more). There are affordable and worthwhile memberships available. It's an oasis of great design and fine art, and the building itself has already put Saskatoon, SK on the map for places to visit (according to the NY Times!) and made Best Of architecture lists from around the world. It is one step closer to getting Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada some attention and recognition for the incredible work happening in this vibrant city. 100% support. Much love to the Remai Modern, and am so excited to see it's evolution. Oh, great gift shop too! So hard for me to resist buying a bunch of stuff. Especially love the focus on Modernism!
  • Miles
    Added 2014.10.08
    If you live in Saskatoon or if you’re here for a visit, you have every reason to enjoy a visit to our museum.
  • Aaliyah
    Added 2013.06.15
    Went to Saskatoon to see the new art gallery. Very disappointed compared to what I remember of the old Mendel Art Gallery. Beautiful building but some of the literally looked like garbage. And some pieces of art - things my kids could have done better at the age of three. Did see bone painting by the group of seven painter which beautiful. Saw a couple more things I liked too but overall didn't like the present exhibits. I wish I had gone to the zoo instead with my 20 year old son. He enjoys art too. The best thing is that we were able to laugh a lot that day at some pretty poor excuses for art work. Cheers!
  • Caroline
    Added 2013.05.29
    The gallery inside is modern, stylish and well conceived. It offers an exceptional space for thought and exploration. I am looking forward to seeing what exhibits they bring through. Being understated is the gorgeous event and conference spaces and the added potential those bring. I can't say I am thrilled with the color they chose for the exterior but that is minor in the grand scope of things. Overall a exciting addition to our city.
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