Royal University Hospital — Hospital in Saskatoon

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Royal University Hospital

Hospital at 103 Hospital Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8, Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0W8 . Here you will find detailed information about Royal University Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

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Based on 5 reviews


103 Hospital Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8, Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0W8
S7N 0W8

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About Royal University Hospital

Royal University Hospital is a UK Hospital based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Royal University Hospital is located at 103 Hospital Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8, Canada,

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Reviews of Royal University Hospital

  • Valentina
    Added 2016.01.10
    The one doctor is professional, does not make up for the doctors and nurses in training sitting in the pediatric unit. Not only did they allow people after us treatment first, but they also served everyone that is not a child in first. Did not like the treatment, even admin is a little ignorant. Rather die then go there, but was taking children in. Now I know why this province does not have a childrens hospital. Do not think they should ever get one based on the treatment of my children alone. Going to die somewhere else now.... Also nobody minded their own business and the only time it is quiet is when someone is talking about their personal information. Not professional at all. APPARENTLY THERE IS A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT HOW HORRIBLE THIS HOSPITAL IS...
  • Carson
    Added 2015.07.15
    My wife delivered a baby here 4 days ago and I would have given it 4 or 4.5 stars if it wasn't for the maternity ward where one is sent afterwards. Totally different place, doesn't look like it's the same hospital. Older beds and minimal room amenities even though we were in a private room which is supposedly just a step down from Victorian suite which is what we requested and didn't get. We were fortunate that at least one of the nurses was very supportive. However they were all interested in just getting us discharged the next day. My wife developed a bladder condition that was displacing her uterus but the staff nurse just kept insisting that it'll be fine and discharged us. My wife had to be readmitted to the hospital a day later for the same issue. Even second time around they haven't done anything to remedy the situation and simply asked my wife to see her obstetrician at her clinic even though the obstetrician also works at RUH. Wait time was extremely long and trainee after trainee just came to bombard us with questions that the doctor eventually asked again anyway. When performing a catheter insertion they didn't feel the need to provide some sort of pain management and when my wife said it was causing her pain she got the following response: "you're not exactly here to watch a movie at a cinema, of course it's going to hurt". Unbelievable!
  • Everett
    Added 2015.06.13
    I recently made a post saying it's a good place, it isn't. The wait time was over 7 hrs for 3 patents waiting 1 nurse lost my chart and some other woman's that had a broken leg and a bone was sticking out of the skin. She waited before me and took longer then I did to see a doctor and I was out less then 8 hrs I heard they spent 20 hrs waiting
  • Gabriella
    Added 2015.01.31
    Great and friendly staff. They make you feel very important. Had a knee replacement done here. I think out of the 3 hospitals I like this one the best. They do get very busy; and have a shortage of beds. For this reason only you maybe transferred to city hospital for the rest of your recovery. They also saved my life before that. As I suffered a subdral hematoma.
  • Natalie
    Added 2014.12.13
    I have mixed feelings about RUH. I came here because I was in extreme pain due to a stomach ulcer. The nurse at the front desk was very kind and understanding of my frustrations over the wait. I got there at about 12pm, and didn't see an emergency physician until roughly 6pm. The wait felt SO long, which isn't really their fault as all hospitals tend to simply be understaffed. At one point I had a panic attack, but my ativan did NOTHING for me but the nurses said they could not give me anything else other than ativan. I asked if there was somewhere I could sit in private to calm down but they said they didn't have anywhere available so I spent a long time outside trying to calm down. When I finally saw the emergency physician, I was feeling better. He was so friendly, and seemed genuinely concerned about my health which I appreciated. His soothing voice was nice- simply talking to him helped calm me down a lot. As my ulcer is stress-related, he gave me a lot of advice to help me as well as foods to avoid so as not to make it worse. Overall I'm pleased with the nurses I talked to and the emergency physician, I just wish there was a solution to the issue of it being understaffed.
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